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Congrats, you reached the end of the prototype in 59:32

Olaaaa -.-

Zerei o joguinho nesse tempo e não tive nenhum bug ou crash. Gostei muito da experiência e estou no aguardo do lançamento. Barribob, pelo amor de Deus, lance o jogo com uma tradução em Pt-Br! Estou disponível se precisar de ajuda com isso.

Deixo também uma lista de youtubers brasileiros que gostam desse estilo de jogo. Então, caso o jogo seja pago ou não, aí está uma ótima estratégia de marketing "grátis":


I finished the game during this time and didn’t encounter any bugs or crashes. I really enjoyed the experience and I'm looking forward to the release. Barribob, for the love of God, please launch the game with a Pt-Br translation! I'm available if you need help with that.

I’d also like to share a list of Brazilian YouTubers who enjoy this type of game. So, whether the game is paid or not, here’s a great "free" marketing strategy:


im leaveing this to go all night lol


This is pretty cool! I enjoyed this and look forward to the full release.

the loop hooked me



Found out from a YouTube channel - Civil Engineer Plays - about Magic Archery, which I finished in a day and wanted MORE of that experience. THIS is better than what I'd wanted, LOL. 

I run a show called License to Play, and wanted to start a side-show, called 'Brand New Retro' - new games using classic aesthetic - and I'm planning on reviewing both for my inaugural ep. 

If I could offer a suggestion about gameplay? With games similar, there's a mobile game called Idle Slayer - which resolves my real only nitpick (and I mean a TINY NIT) - which there isn't much for the wizard to do. Maybe offer a certain time the wizard 'levels up' and produces the other resources or can boost the speed of the other resources by clicking on the library or portal? 

I apologize if this is already part of the system, I'm still playing your terrific game, dude, :D 

Commander Dan



Thanks for the feedback! Has been noted

I think the last update broke something in the browser-version (did not verify the download):

Error: Couldn't load project data at path ".". Is the .pck file missing?
If you've renamed the executable, the associated .pck file should also be renamed to match the executable's name (without the extension).

Fun game - played for about 30 minutes before this error showed up +1


Interesting, for anyone that has encountered, do you remember the last action you did? Also what browser was this in?

Also if you reload the page, is your progress still there?

Hi, the error pops up while loading the game from I tried it on Firefox and Brave. Brave does not show the pop-up with the message above, but I assume this is due to some configuration (FF does complain about blocking on the main thread). Additionally following output is logged to the console:

USER ERROR: Corrupted header in binary project.binary (not ECFG). index.js:14050:18
   at: _load_settings_binary (core/config/project_settings.cpp:696) index.js:14050:18
USER ERROR: Couldn't load file 'res://project.binary', error code 16. index.js:14050:18
   at: _load_settings_text_or_binary (core/config/project_settings.cpp:783) index.js:14050:18
Error: Couldn't load project data at path ".". Is the .pck file missing?

As for the progress: I don’t know, because the game does not manage to start up. Thanks for your work.


Thanks, I'll have to research as to why this might happen


Ok, I believe this is due to browser partially caching files from a previous version. I think hard reloading the page should fix it.

Thanks, this time it worked! I don’t know why it would have affected another browser too, but now everything works as intended and the save is even preserved.

Really neat little game! I have some minor feedback if that's okay:

1. the lvl 20+ dragon upgrades seem to bug out (both desktop & browser). it just gets greyed out and not interactable.

2. The parallax seems a bit strange, I feel like the far mountains should barely move rather than move with the foreground and the mid ground moving faster than both, the current setting gives this odd feeling as if the mountains were sliding around instead of an illusion of perspective.

Thank you for making this game, good luck with the Steam release!

Thanks, for reporting!

I have pushed some minor updates. Let me know if there are any issues!

(2 edits)

Legendary incremental, can't wait to lose my life in Steam release. One thing I would die for... would be shortcut keys to toggle between buildings instead of needing to scroll around with mouse!

(Prestiged only once, then pushed all the way.)

(2 edits) (-1)

There is a bug where it doesn't show the correct amount of magic 

Sorry in advance if you already knew this.

Edit: It seems to count the total amount of magic you ever had and not how much you currently have

Correct, the requirements count the total amount collected, not the current amount

Thank you for clarifying

LOVE THE NEW CHANGES! I dont like incremental type of games normally but this one is the exception!! Keep the good work.

Really cool game so far! Big fan of incremental games and this is no exception, definitely one of the better ones I've playd in recent memory.

Only bad thing I've noticed is that the forest totem is useless right now. The only point in getting more wood is to make totems, and at best this only serves as a reset to make another cooldown, since the first totem doubles your wood production, but the totem price also doubles. Afterwards it has diminishing returns, making it just worse than choosing the other totems. This can be mitigated completely by giving the wood more purpose outside of making totems. 

Anyways, like I said, great game still! Keep up the good work!

Thanks, I can see how that feels useless, I will see what i can do!


New version is out! Lots of significant changes to various features, and some quality of life features too. Let me know if there are any issues!

Great game!  Short and sweet.  I look forward to future updates!

Loved Magic Archery, and I love this so far. I love that these are short and sweet incremental games. Yeah, I do like long ones too, but it's nice to play a game like this that is just one and done.

game is super fun!! would love to see more subsystems added!! honestly any more content would be amazing! the game is very fun and the artwork is beautiful to!

thanks, that is the plan!


man im just craving this game, it's like a little addiction

Have not gotten very far in the new verison, but I love it so far!

Loved it, can't wait for the full version. Already have it wish listed. 

great to hear!

This is really great, loved it. Can't wait for a full version.

hey, just finished the game here, i liked it a lot, when it released on steam count me in.

thank you for the experience


New version is out! Note that previous saves will not carry over most progress, due to major differences in mechanics. Let me know if there are any issues!

(1 edit)

A DRAGON'S NEST WTF?? That was a HOLY SHIT moment.


Could you please add arrow buttons (up and down) on right side for moving up and down? This game is 99% compatible with mobile and that is the missing 1%.


Next version should have more touchscreen friendly controls, let me know if this is still needed after that though

(1 edit)

This is very awesome, thank you! Now I can play the game past first few prestiges. :) One little thing. Game is very zoomed in on mobile. Could you pinch for zooming or if you are lazy simply add +/- buttons somewhere as physical buttons?

Also I just finished game. Amazing job, you have potential to create something really great!

I see, I will look into it!

Very fun! I love the economy sliders, do you have any plans to expand the economy into like, investing in the town or something like that?

I do plan to expand the economy, though not sure exactly how it will look like yet!

If our love is skibidi why are you my rizzedy

This is a fun little game! I'm curious to see how it can expand!


2000 spirits and 10 specter be like, for a while I thought the second biggest ring was last but then another one appeared, now i'm just going till my browser tab freezes.

This is fun. Hopefully the Steam release doesn't mean abandoning this version though?


I plan to update this version for a while

That's good to hear, but not exactly what I meant. This version is equivalent, from what I can see, to the Steam demo. Do you plan to have the full version be Steam exclusive? Because if you do, I won't be able to buy it.


Oh, I was not aware that there were people that could access itch, but not steam. In that case, I think I can do that.

Awesome, thanks! (and yeah, long story but Steam has been a *BIG* problem for some of us for a few years now)

What's your big problem with steam?

loved the gameplay

maybe spell power buff and spirit cost decrease is too strong?

skipped the last 4 prestige points and progress still felt surprisingly fast



You forgot to put your name in the credits. ;-)

Imagion if a town came to raid your tower and you had to do a RPG type fight to fend them off and if you fail they take some of your stuff

cute but short. another incremental game that takes about an hour.

menus are somewhat awkward since they like to open outside the screen. otherwise no real complaints.

the spell swapping mechanic reminds me a bit of Orb of Creation, which is much longer and deeper. i'm guessing your intent with these is to just make something short and simple, and for that goal i say mission accomplished.

if you decide you want to try being even more creative, it might be worth exploring more "diagetic" menus for this kind of game specifically, instead of relying on raw text, to make it more mysterious and compact.


Interesting, thanks for the ideas!

Enjoyed Magic Archery, enjoyed this too. I like your idle games and I look forward to this getting developed further on Steam! :D

awesome game! I recommend more prestige levels that you have to unlock with prestige. also what @EveOfFrost said


Perhaps as a next prestige layer, you could add Ghouls, that need a hundred specters, and then a lich that you have to evolve

Really cool game hope it gets put on steam eventually

i cant play the game i cant scroll on my fire tablet

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