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Damn, how did they manage to make such a good game? (Wait a New update)


This game was insanely fun omg

This game is incredibly fun! I really hope it gets developed further! I LOVE exploring and trying out the different builds! Such creative ideas behind the card effects! Thank you for making this game! Inspired me to make my own card game!

any news about the project? I'm thinking about building my own TCG and trying to understand how hard it is

Dave's recommendation to only take zero energy cards allowed some real shenanigans. Fun little game! Played on Chrome with no major bugs other than my turn never ending as long as I had cards to play (which I did.) Ended with a 204 card streak.

24 cards in one turn, just keeping the deck small putting the energy (once per turn into it) and stacking the zero energy damage

nice! also seems there is a typo lol

Fun game! I nerfed enemies into the ground with weakness then used cards that scaled off weakness stacks for damage. Tactics was really broken - basically a free extra turn.

I have two complaints - First, there's no way to view your deck. Also, when you're given the option to remove a card from your deck, sometimes the card you want to remove isn't displayed. Being forced to remove one of your strongest cards isn't fun.

Thanks for making this!

Really appreciate the feedback!

This was very fun, good job! The build that I use to win was a poison build. Due to Tower of Flame's effects, I was able to gain shield equal to the massive surplus of poison I amassed.

Fun game.  Cheap cards and cards that add mana are pretty nuts, even though the mana cards are only 1/turn.  Hot Pot, Cannon, and Magician obviously go quite well with this plan.

awesome! - yea that type of build was a lot of fun for me as well

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nubbad game, i went with dot built and got tower of fire, mushroom forest, relatively beatable once the right cards are in hands.
visually well chosen pictures

that is good to know, thanks for playing!

HTML version is broken and buggy. After you play the three cards you have in your hand you can't do anything else other then end turn as no more cards get added to your hand ever.

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Interesting, so specifically after playing a card, it is not automatically restoring a new card in the original place as the card that was played? I am not able to replicate in chrome or firefox. Are you using a different browser?

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I'm using edge. Each time I played a card no new card was ever added to the hand and once all three original cards were played all I could do is hit end turn till I died. When I play a card a new card appears for a split second and then never gets added to the players hand. I did happen to beat the first enemy by getting 2 swords at game start.

Thanks for the response - so the new card appeared, and then it disappeared immediately? And also, just to confirm, this was only happening on the web version?